Bylaw & Policy Development
"documenting our self-determination"
Your housing portfolio, in whatever way it is structured, will be responsible not only for acquiring and/or developing housing units but also planning and creating Bylaws & Policies for to operate them. This means administering the housing portfolio in such a way as to ensure the sustainability of the housing programs and projects that you are managing. This is an opportunity for First Nations to engage in self-governing and self-determining activities which could reduce your reliance on external funding.
The establishment of sound First Nation Bylaws & Housing Policy is recognized as a viable and stable starting point to begin the developmental process, which in turn creates options for attracting capital and revenues required in expanding the housing portfolio in your community.
​Over time sound policy & procedure development can improve First Nation capacity for operational control of your housing portfolio as well as including governance, asset management, financial management and administration.
Bylaw & Policy Development
Our approach and criteria for developing draft Bylaws & Policies includes:
Does it communicate the First Nation’s values, philosophy, and culture?
Does it articulate the purpose of the policy and process for compliance?
Is it general in nature and able to withstand the test of time?