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Governance Planning & Advisory Services

"planning for your long term growth"


Governance planning provides you with a strategic approach to managing community land use plans and related Land Tenure for your First Nation. The age, configuration and condition of your properties can present significant challenges and opportunities to growth for your members as you move towards the future.
Our strategic advisory services provide an overview of your
existing community & corporate structures and whether they are aligned with your long term objectives and goals. We work with you to identify strategies to deal with supply and demand, rust-out liabilities and emerging opportunities that have implications for you as an Owner.

How you achieve improved functionality, efficiency and sustainability will depend on your governance models and your long term preferred future state. We help determine what planning and decision making frameworks
can complement your business not only for today but also for your future. And we develop and implement the roadmap to achieve this transformation.


The model is based on best practises used by leading real estate organizations as a means to balance client satisfaction with sound management of property portfolios. And as you move to portfolio management
for your real estate holdings your decision-making, service offerings and service delivery will reflect state of the
strategies and business approaches.

   Need & Demand Analysis

Need & Demand studies are strategic documents that consider a number of variables to support strategic decision making;

Capital Liabilities; Highest & Best Use
; Life-Cycle Costing; Valuation; Market analysis; Options analysis; Financial analysis; Risk analysis; Need & Demand; Innovations & Optimizations;


  Capital Creation Strategies 

Managing and developing asset management proficiency including: 

  • Conducting a thorough asset inventory;

  • Developing best practises for O&M;

  • Prioritizing the rehabilitation and replacement of your assets;

  • Developing an annual estimate of needed reserves and an annual budget;

  • Reviewing and revising the asset management plan;

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          Tiering Analysis

Tiering is a strategic concept used by real estate owners to facilitate the segmentation of their portfolio.

It allows for scarce resources to be assigned to higher priority corporate projects. And it also creates visibility for direct linkages to your corporate priorities.


For Owners and Executives it can also identify areas of potential financial and non-financial benefit.

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  Portfolio Planning Framework 

         Strategic Analysis for:

Ownership Models: Lease, Own
                               or P3?

Maintenance: When to invest?

Financial: How to leverage our

Capital:   How to prioritize?

Optimization:  How do we realize
                       the value in our real
                       estate holdings?    

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